
Harrisburg Senior Portrait Photographer

It's contest time again!  I'm looking for senior portrait representatives for this coming senior class.
If you would like to enter to win or know of anyone you want to nominate to win, please send a photo along with a list of extra-curricular activities to megan@meganzellerphotography.com.  Winners will receive a free photo session and 100 free wallets to hand out to upcoming seniors (a $200 value).  I will be photographing the winners by the end of summer.  The winner(s) will be chosen on August 9th.

Good luck everyone!


July 21st-24th 6-8PM - Photography Classes

These days everyone is a photographer.  Armatures are able to buy quality cameras at relatively low prices.  This has in turn made it hard for professionals to stay in business.  One thing I noticed though, is most people leave their high quality cameras on AUTO settings.  There are very few opportunities to learn how to actually use a digital camera with control.  
I saw this need and responded by offering several classes over the years.  Instead of letting it take me out of business as friends with a camera shoot weddings sometimes for free, I have found a way to grow.
This Monday, July 21st through Thursday July 24th from 6-8PM I will be teaching a class in Hershey for people 15yrs + to help them learn how to use their DSLRs.  
We will be learning settings, lighting, and composition.  This time I am incorporating a few different photo projects as well all over town.  The last class will be spent painting with light- always a crowd pleaser.
If you would like to sign up for the $100 4 day class, please contact me, and tell your friends!


New Website- Finally!

I'm always looking for ways to better make my business better.  One thing that I feel has been holding me back is my website.  www.meganzellerphotography.com has not been updated since... oh... maybe 2009.  Embarrassing.  
So I've been spending the last few months creating something that I can be proud of that is a little more up to date that will hopefully better connect me with my customers.
You can also order your photos directly through my website now.
I am still working out the kinks.  Feel free to leave me feedback.
Thank you all for your constant support!