
Smolnik Wengert Wedding- July 18th, 2009

I loved when Dan got up at his own reception and spoke about how Alex was his "ah ha!" moment in life. Where everything seems to fall into place and all is right with the world because you have found your soul mate and partner for life. There was some rain that sprinkled throughout the day, but the sun came at the perfect times.As Alex walked down the isle to meet with her groom, the sun broke through the clouds as if God himself reached out to put his blessing on this marriage. What an awesome moment.
Her parent's yard made the perfect backdrop for a ceremony don't you think?Check out this car they rode in to the reception.The reception was held at the Capitol Theater in Chambersburg.Strangest and best salad I've ever had. It was wrapped with spring onion and stood straight up like something straight out of Little Shop of Horrors.Show that cake who's boss Dan!

Big shout out to Lalani Grochowski, Alex's wedding coordinator. She owns BI Designs in Chambersburg. She was great to work with and did an awesome job with all the details. We worked well together and she was always there to lend a helping hand- as seen in this photo. Congratulations Dan and Alex- I really enjoyed being a part of your big day!


Anonymous said...

That's a back yard? Freaking SWEET!!


Jack said...

Very cool. Great photos of what looks to have a been a very happy day. And for a related "aha moment," check out this short video -- ahamoment.com/pg/moments/view/197. I think you'll see some parallels.

All the best,