
Mother's Day

On Mother's Day I went to the York Steet Fair with my family. I took a ton of photos, most of which I will post later. I am putting up the most important ones from the highlight of the day- AJ's face painting. We waiting for about an hour in line- no exageration- to get his face done like this and it was so worth it.
He ran, jumped and climbed like Spider Man the entire way back to the car.


Gretchen said...

I like these photos as a series: you show how it started (face painting) you show the acknowledgement of the face paint on the subject (mirror) and then you show the transformation of AJ into Spiderman! It reads as a story and seems very personal.

Anonymous said...

That face paint is AWESOME! He looks great... I love those pictures, I really think you captured him as spider man. Thanks for sharing your Mother's Day with us. I really hope it was a good one!